More than twelve years ago, when I started my own research about life and work of Wes Montgomery, I soon heard about a guy from Düsseldorf who had done a full discography of Wes. It was never been published, but some private copies floated around somewhere. At that time, it was hard to get any information about Wes and his works, since there were only a few websites, a Wikipedia post that didn’t even got the birthday straight, and only one single written biography (by Adrian Ingram) about the guitarist. All in all a quite incomplete information situation and not satisfying at all.
Some years later I came in contact with the author of the mysterious discography. It was Oliver Dunskus, and we soon teamed up to find out about biographical details, bootlegs, and other rare material from Wes and more. Since Oliver always has been steps ahead of my own research, I asked him to write some articles for this website, and I’m proud and glad he did so.
The most complete work about Wes Montgomery…
With all his knowledge and passion for Wes and his music, it seemed inevitable that Oliver someday would start to write not only a discography, but also a biography about his idol. He did so some years ago, but in German language only. He selfpublished his work and also did a second edition afterwards. It was – and still is – the most complete work about the life and the music of Wes Montgomery (full 5 star rating on Amazon!). Oliver also started a Facebook group about Wes-research, and I stopped to count the many, many times people asked why he did no translation of his book yet, so people around the world could read it too.
…now in English language!
Well, Oliver, who grew up multilingual and speaks English like a native speaker, heard the pleas from Wes heads around the globe and sat down not only to do a simple translation of his book, but to do a third extended edition with all the latest discoverings, especially the previously unknown recordings published by Zev Feldman and Resonance Records. So, here it is: the ultimate Wes biography in English language!
You won’t find a source that is in any way comparable to „Wes Montgomery. His Life and His Music“. Oliver starts with a biographical part that covers everything we know about Wes‘ life and career. We learn about the person, his instruments, and hear what musicians and producers say about the guitarist. A full picture of a man with a unlikely career and a widespread influence on jazz and jazz guitar. In the huge discographical part of the book we do not only find all tunes, dates and musicians, but also read about the circumstances of the recordings, the characteristics of the songs and thousands of details. Everything is put in context, so the book also works as a tableau of the jazz scene in the 50’s and 60’s.
If you are interested in Wes Montgomery or jazz guitar in general, please buy this book! 270 pages of best content, only 26 Euros. You can purchase the book through Amazon!